Community Forum on Town Meeting Proposed Water Management Articles, to be held on April 16, 2024
Join the Brewster Ponds Coalition at one of two community forums to learn about the articles on the town's Spring Warrant related to water resources which will be brought to residents for approval at the Spring Town Meeting. The BPC Board feels that it is important to inform and educate our members and friends about the need for these articles to pass during the Annual Town Meeting on May 11. BPC representatives will explain why there is a need for a water management plan, its scope and goals, and projected costs, as well as the risks of not having one, and answer any questions you may have.
The BPC will host two forums to explain the details of the proposal, both of which are free and open to the public:
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 4 - 6 PM at the Council on Aging, 1673 Main Street, Brewster - Please register for the April 16th session using the button above - seating is limited to 30 participants.
Saturday, Apr 20, 2024 from 10 AM - 12 PM at the Brewster Ladies Library, 1822 Main Street, Brewster. Register for the April 20th session at:
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